Bow Anterior Matrices
When looking for a more modern and minimally invasive approach in your composite dentistry practices, the Bow Anterior Matrices are exactly what you’re missing. These matrices allow for injection and placement of composite into the embrasure without fear of leaving an overhanging margin. Additionally, their anatomical design provides a predictable restoration or change of a tooth’s emergence profile which, in turn, makes for flawlessly blended, contoured conservative composite restorations.
There are three shapes of matrices available: a small (No. 1.951), medium (No. 1.952) and large (No. 1.953) with varying heights of subgingival protrusion ; 0mm, 1.8mm, 2.7mm respectively. The first shape is best for class 3 and 4 composite matrixing, the second is most helpful with diastema/ black triangle closure while the last is a customizable diastema/ black triangle band. All of the previously mentioned types do share the common features of a tight contoured and excellent cervical contacts.
When using the Bow Anterior Matrices, a perfectly smooth surface finish as well as true infinity edge margins are guaranteed. Moreover, the preservation of the gingival papilla was of great importance when creating this tool, which is why its design is reflective of this goal and promotes such preservation effectively. Hence, when placed into the sulcus, the matrix is stabilised and marginally sealed by the papilla.
With that said, Bow Matrices are extensively helpful in a multitude of situations when it comes to treatments of anterior cases. Ranging from the everyday restorative ones to the aesthetic treatments for closing small spaces. These matrices are a proven asset to your collection of instruments and are more than highly recommended by many dentists, so make sure to give them a try and decide which shape and height is preferable for your restorative goals.