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Saddle matrices

Saddle matrices

Have you ever had to restore the most distal surface of a tooth with no adjacent tooth to pack against? If the answer is yes, then you've probably figured out from experience that a traditional matrix system isn’t much help in a situation like this. The traditional system doesn't usually allow for the required subgingival isolation to effectively complete the procedure. However, not to worry, this case could be approached using saddle matrices. They have a petal that extends subgingivally which allows you to seal the base while keeping the anatomical contour of the tooth surface all thanks to their height and sturdiness. The saddle matrices also help bridge a bigger gap between a cavity and its adjacent tooth in addition to providing a stable contact point.

Take a look at the starter kit we offer which includes 18 stainless steel bands of 3 different shapes and sizes along with a spring clip (or the exact same kit but with a ring instead of the spring clip). Both are also reusable and resterilisable while many of the saddle matrices are available for refills. We also have a larger, full-size kit which consists of matrices of various lengths.

Another advantage of our saddle matrix system is that it’s very easy to use- all you have to do is insert the tines on the spring clip or ring into the tubes on either side of the matrix (this step is to be done outside the patients’ mouth). Then, you proceed by placing the system over the distal surface. Adjustments might need to be made but as long as the appropriate band length is chosen, there should be no complications. You can also reverse the matrix and use it on a mesial side.

To sum up, the saddle matrices are incredibly useful when it comes to restoration of terminal molars or when there’s no adjacent tooth present. Furthermore, they ensure an adequate seal - which is usually impossible with a ring sectional matrix system (this system also can’t be used on the most distal surface with no neighbouring tooth - unlike the Tor VM saddle matrix system). Given all the benefits previously mentioned, this kit should be an obvious addition to your current appliances as it is quite essential in the process of tooth restoration. We highly recommend it and have only heard praise from clients so far!

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